Specialist in preclinical proof of concept and efficacy studies
Motac provides world-class science and innovative technologies to develop new treatments
for disorders of the central nervous system.
Motac provides highly-specialised preclinical services for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to support the discovery and development of therapeutics for neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Motac has extensive expertise and world-class research capabilities in neurodegenerative conditions, particularly Parkinson’s disease, other movement and cognitive disorders.
Motac has unparalleled ability to offer access to the best available models of these conditions, underpinned by first-class scientific understanding, yet offered in a commercial environment with an emphasis on quality and timeliness.
Motac also has an intellectual property portfolio protecting a number of new chemical entities and novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of movement disorders, which we are developing through strategic alliances and partnerships.

In Vivo and Ex Vivo
Motac offers a wide range of highly-specialised in vivo and ex vivo services to support the preclinical development of new treatments for neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, other movement and disorders of cognition.

Models Systems
State-of-the-art model systems, with excellent translational validity, are routinely available to demonstrate the efficacy of novel therapeutic approaches. These include acute and progressive models of neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s disease and drug-induced dyskinesias and cognitive performance